If you are a proud owner of a classic, vintage, or exotic vehicle that needs to be shipped to another city or even part of the country, you are definitely on the right page. We have gathered some useful information for you in one article covering the following points:

How To Ship Classic & Exotic Cars? Reasons To Choose Enclosed Transportation
Transportation of an exotic or classic car requires extra attention and experience, so you cannot trust your vehicle to just any carrier. Moverjet Logistics has a special database of professional drivers providing the customers with white-glove service. With us, your vehicle is in good hands.
Our company takes care of everything, from securing the experienced carrier for your car to negotiating the time for quick and safe delivery to the drop-off address.
All in all, there are two main methods of car shipping: open and enclosed transportation. Each of them has its own pros and cons. When it comes to shipping the vehicle on the open trailer, the main advantage is the relatively low price and the large availability of drivers.
But when you are planning to ship a high-end car, which is not just a simple vehicle but an investment, price and time of shipping are not the number one priority. Most of our customers opt for enclosed transportation when shipping exotic or classic cars.
The enclosed trailer guarantees the most trouble-free process, as it has the best protection from road dust, harsh weather conditions. Enclosed transportation gives you confidence that your vehicle is fully protected and properly secured during the shipping process.

How Much Does It Cost To Move An Exotic Or Classic Car?
Enclosed auto transportation costs about 50% higher than open transportation. The price is usually based on mileage, size of the vehicle, route, availability of drivers on the particular route. But of course, the main thing that affects the price is the size of the trailer.
Enclosed trailers can transport 1-9 cars at a time, so if you decide to ship the vehicle with a one-car hauler, all the expenses will be covered from your side. While if you ship the car with a six-car hauler, the expenses will be divided between six customers.
All in all, the average cost for exotic and classic car shipping varies between $1 to $2 per mille. In the table below you can find the rates on different routes based on our latest orders.

Classic & Exotic Car Transport Tips
– Check the company reviews before making your final decision and make sure they have experience in exotica and classic car shipping;
– Once the driver is assigned to your order, you may check him for active insurance with his MC and USDOT number;
– Make sure to tell your shipping manager about any modifications or mechanical issues the vehicle has;
– Remove all personal items from the inside of the car as they may damage the interior;
– Disable the alarm system;
– Once the driver arrives and inspects the vehicle, request the Bill of Lading. Do the same thing on the drop-off location.